Artist Bio

Colton Hash is a digital artist and educator who resides on Salish, Blackfeet and Crow Territory in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Through a unique coding process, Hash creates impactful digital installations to foster nuanced thinking about ecological relationships. Programming his own creative tools, Hash produces interactive simulations that visualize complex realities and depict imaginative futures. Exploring environmental data as material, Hash strives to create accessible experiences for diverse audiences to consider their cultural relationships with regional ecosystems.

Hash was the inaugural artist-in-residence for Ocean Networks Canada, where he worked with scientists to create interactive data artworks that communicate ecological relationships. In recognition of his politically based practice, Hash received the Witness Legacy Award for Social Purpose and Responsibility Through Art (ProArt Alliance, 2019). For his interactive artworks, Hash was a finalist for the Emerging Digital Artists Award (EQ Bank, 2019) and the Salt Spring National Art Prize (SSNAP, 2021). Hash received his MFA in Visual Arts from the University of Victoria in Canada, and also has multi-disciplinary foundations in Computer Science and Environmental Studies.


              Instagram: @colton.hash


Portrait by Ashton Sciacallo​